Memorie e Tradizioni: Gli Italiani in Canada

Memorie e Tradizioni: Gli Italiani in Canada

Memories and Traditions: Italians in Canada

1h 0min
Memorie e Tradizioni: Gli Italiani in Canada
  • Memorie e Tradizioni: Gli Italiani in Canada explores the historical significance of Italian traditions and old-world practices within the Italian Canadian community. This documentary captures the essence of how cherished traditions continue to inspire, shape, and influence the lives of second and third-generation Italians in Canada, fostering a robust sense cultural identity and community cohesion. Through engaging narratives, personal stories, and insightful expert interviews, the documentary paints a comprehensive portrait of cultural preservation and evolution in a multicultural landscape. Memorie e Tradizioni: Gli Italiani in Canada is a heartfelt exploration of how Italian traditions and old-world practices continue to thrive and evolve within the Italian Canadian community.

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