Lucky 7 Soccer Club Stories

Lucky 7 Soccer Club Stories

Lucky 7 Soccer Club Stories

0h 30min
  • Cruzi Control: A Lucky 7 Soccer Club Story (30 min)
    While in the midst of an alleged doping controversy, disgraced women's hockey coach Rachel Cruise shares her story with her son, Bobby Orr. Bobby, who knows nothing of his mother's past, is enamored by tales of her immigrant family coming to Canada, and her rise and fall in the world of professional women's hockey.

    King vs King vs King: A Lucky 7 Soccer Club Story (30 min)
    In King vs King vs King, a wealthy philanthropist is forced to examine her life and come to terms with an aggressive medical condition. Denise King, eccentric billionaire CEO and philanthropist, deals with the aftermath of a cancerous brain tumor diagnosis. Unfortunately, these untimely news come just as her husband runs away with her identical twin sister.

    Marco's Dream: A Lucky 7 Soccer Club Story (30 min)
    Marco is a rising young soccer star who dreams of playing in the big leagues. With lofty ambitions, the only thing keeping the arrogant 17-year-old grounded is his dysfunctional Italian family.

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