Italiani Dimenicati: la comunità Giuliano-dalmata in Canada is a captivating documentary that delves into the untold story of the Julian-Dalmatian community's journey to Canada following their forced exile from Italy during the 1940s. Faced with displacement and adversity, the exiled underwent a remarkable odyssey to establish new lives in a foreign land. Through intimate interviews, archival footage and historical context from Dr. Konrad Eisenbichler, the foremost expert on the subject, the documentary chronicles the Julian-Dalmatians' struggles, triumphs, and contributions that have enriched Canadian society. The film captures the essence of their cultural heritage, exploring the preservation of traditions, language, and customs that have been passed down through generations. Italiani Dimenticati is a poignant exploration of identity, resilience, and the enduring spirit of a community determined to thrive against all odds.
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