Italiani Dimenticati: La Comunita’ Giuliano-Dalmata in Canada

Italiani Dimenticati: La Comunita’ Giuliano-Dalmata in Canada

The Forgotten Italians: The Julian-Dalmatian Community in Canada

  • Directed by award-winning filmmaker and longtime TLN Media Group collaborator Sean Cisterna, this powerful story sheds light on the overlooked journey of the Julian-Dalmatian community—ethnic Italians from Julian March, Istria, Dalmatia, and parts of modern-day Slovenia and Croatia who were exiled after World War II.

    As the war ended in 1945, the newly established Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia absorbed these territories, leading to persecution of Italian-speaking communities, who were seen as remnants of Fascist rule. Enduring forced assimilation, property confiscation, and the horrors of the foibe (sinkhole) massacres—where thousands perished—many sought refuge abroad, including in Canada, where they rebuilt their lives and left a lasting mark on the nation's cultural landscape.

    Blending archival footage, personal testimonies, and historical analyses, this documentary examines this community’s hardships, resilience, and enduring preservation of traditions across generations. It is a poignant tribute to a people’s unbreakable spirit and its deep-rooted cultural identity.

    Don’t miss Italiani Dimenticati—a moving homage to a forgotten chapter of Italian history in Canada and the people who lived it.

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